Brand Strengthening Program
The Need
To have a strong brand that can improve your funding, partnership and impact game
Having a strong brand is a necessity to improve your fundraising, partnerships, and impact game. It helps you connect with and inspire external stakeholders, it enables deeper dialogue with partners, and it bring the internal teams together with more focus towards your vision and goals.
A strong brand, at its most fundamental level, consists of a well-articulated narrative, a cohesive visual representation of your work, and essential communications materials to assist your team to communicate externally. These fundamentals will equip all members of your organisation speak and communicate in a consistent, unified, and impactful manner to your diverse set of external stakeholders.
Program Overview
We will strengthen how you speak, write and visualise to create more impact for your stakeholders
While some of your brand and communications may have developed organically, our role with the Brand Strengthening Program (BSP) is to strengthen your words, visuals, and comms assets so that you can create significantly more impact across your stakeholders (funders, government partners, communities, teams etc.).
This is a 12-14 week sprint that includes the following:
Audit of your current Brand, Research, Brand Strategy
We start the BSP with a comprehensive audit of your organisation’s current brand and communications practice. We also invest in a quick primary and secondary research study by speaking to a few of your key stakeholders to understand how you are perceived externally. The research helps us put together a brand strategy that will help us position and strengthen your brand in the most effective manner.
Core Nucleus of the Brand (words and visuals)
The core nucleus is basically the foundational set of raw materials that acts as a central source for all communication creations. Without the core nucleus, it is difficult to build assets and materials for dissemination. We broadly split it into ‘words’ and ‘visuals’. As the name suggests, everything we need that’s “writing” related fits within the words bucket, and anything that is either design or photography-related fits inside the “visual” bucket. This includes your brand narrative, tone and voice, photos, testimonials, stories, video clips etc.
Essential Materials for your Org
Most organisations need a few essential well designed and articulated materials that can represent their work. This is usually a combination of digital and print collaterals that can be shared with internal and external stakeholders. We take stock of what the organisation needs and build them out. Some of these materials includes:
Brand Website
Brand Film
Funder/ Partner Pitch Deck
Brochure/ Handout
Brand Toolkit
The communications toolbox is a comprehensive, practical instructions/usage manual for teams to sustain and further develop assets and materials. It provides a detailed breakdown of how we can speak, write, visualise, build and strategise in order to be strong communicators. The toolbox is built as a pocketbook for print and digital consumption. We also build a mobile-ready reading experience that allows teams and collaborators to have quick access to the toolbox on the go.
Training and Capacity Building
Our goal is to build and create a few foundational communications materials to set you up for your fundraising efforts. It is important, however, for your team to be able to use them effectively and build on them for the future. We will have a system of training in place that will ensure that the team feels confident to take communications forward. This includes training sessions on specific skills/ communication components, shadowing of some of our work, and regular advisory and check-ins on how the team is taking it forward.

What will you get from BSP?
You will have all the raw materials and assets you need to build and develop a strong brand
You have a clearly articulated narrative that is the blueprint for all of your verbal and written communication. You can use a short version of this as a quick elevator pitch, you can translate this into the flow for your pitch meetings, or you can use this to build multiple collaterals as per stakeholder needs. You also use this document to get the full extended team to understand and articulate your work in one unified voice.
You have a ready-to-use set of materials that have been professionally written and designed in a way that best represents your organisation. These can be updated and used for at least the next several years.
The materials we will build can be used as templates to build more communications materials. You will have open files to all the materials, so you can keep building on your comms with these materials as the base. You can also use them as references when you get someone external to build things out for you.
You have a detailed and easy-to-use communications toolbox that will help your current and future team members communicate on brand on behalf of the organisation.
The training and capacity building session will enable your team members (especially non-designers/ non-communications team members) to effectively continue to leverage communications for the long term