All Year Advisory

We are by your side all year long
This is a simple yet powerful support plan to help your organisation have a thought partner with communication expertise guiding you through the year. It’s designed for organisations who are working at a nascent and/or bootstrapped level and looking for customised assistance on how to strengthen their communication methods for raising funds, building partnerships.
In a nutshell, Studio Subu will be by your side through your growth journey, providing tactical advice and actionable suggestions to improve how you communicate with your stakeholders. Our suggestions are customised based on your team size, skill sets, intervention styles, organisational priorities and fundraising methods you’re currently exploring.
Support Details
Kick off discussion
We will kick off our engagement with a 2 hour intro + learning meeting. The meeting will focus on the following elements
Learning about your organisation, your teams, and you
Learning about your Org goals, priorities, journey
Understanding your current challenges and roadblocks across goals (beyond comms)
Understanding how your org is approaches communications across teams
Identifying who will partake in the Deep Dive Brainstorm calls
Align on logistics, calendaring, scheduling all meetings
Deep Dive Brainstorm Sessions Every Four weeks
2 hours. One on One meetings. They mould into the need of the situation — can take the form of a discussion, brainstorm, feedback session, critique round, strategic advice. The following 5 sections highlight the range of areas you will be supported in during the 2-hour discussions.

Know whether you’re on the right track
Get directional advice on where to take your communications for fundraising, partnerships, internal culture, and org growth. Take us through your action plans. We will be able to quickly gauge and evaluate whether you’re on the right track or if you need to make any adjustments to get your comms stronger. We will evaluate the way you are timelining tasks, how you’re prioritising them, and your implementation plan to get to the finish line.
Get technical feedback on your content & design
Our feedback will be targeted towards critical elements that can boost your materials. When it comes to content, we will help you with the following:
Improve your information flow
Provide suggestions on how to make it simpler and clearer
Guide you on writing styles, content construction
Help you critically think from different perspectives to customise it for targeted stakeholders
How to bring stories, voices and examples to life
For design, photography and everything else that’s visual, we will guide you with the following:
Best practices for curating layouts and pages
Basic hygiene checks on typography, colours, shapes, boxes and spacing
Advice on simple adjustments to creatives to enhance their visual appeal
Innovative ways to work with photography, videography and/or the lack of it in other situation.
Pick up on Frameworks, tools, Action plans, Steps.
We have a process for almost every task - small, medium, big. Whether it’s a method to document stories from the field, to an approach to build complex reports to ensure last minute changes, we have tools and frameworks that can help you improve your efficiency and efficacy. We will introduce you to the right tools depending on the roadblocks you’re facing with your comms tasks.
Brainstorm with us on every exciting idea
Every time you have a brilliant idea that you are keen to brainstorm on with someone who get’s it, but will see it from a critical lens, you will have us. You decide how you want to leverage us each month. Our discussion for one of the the months can even completely focus on “big ideas”. We will give you different perspectives on how it may play out. We will help you build scenarios, simulations, and give you our personal take based on our experience on how to approach the idea/s.

Get our perspective on stakeholder needs
in the market
We have a fairly strong understanding of the needs, interests, and priorities of donors, funders, foundations, philanthropists, govt. bodies, technical partners and others in the ecosystem. Almost all our main projects have a strong research phase. This has allowed us to closely brainstorm with a diverse group of stakeholders and understand their perspectives and preferences. We will be backing our ideas, perspectives, and suggestions with reasoning on why it might work for your stakeholders. We are going to push you to keep thinking about communications from their lens, and make tactical adjustments that may work for your stakeholder.
Why invest in it?
We are a no-bullshit, non-fluff talking team, that deeply cares about making “comms” easy for Social Impact Orgs.
The aspect of communications is often neglected. The fact that you’re even considering investing in strengthening it at an early stage is pretty cool!
However, investing in communications may feel daunting. You may not feel like you have the “creative ability” to improve the way you and/or your team communicates. Sometimes, it may also feel like a lonely journey.
Over the past 9 years of working in the social sector, we have watched a lot change in the world of communications. We genuinely understand that “its all going to be relative”. Our way of finding answers is by digging deeper (inwards-out) into what each org’s core purpose and ethos is, versus looking only outwards-in to study market trends and conform to it. The reason this approach may be working for several orgs is probably because the Indian social impact landscape is still very exploratory, and disorganised to an extent (understandably so).
The ecosystem is diverse, which means, communicating to the ecosystem will vary and evolve rapidly. Working with a strong core purpose allows us to have a strong base to spark honest dialogue (communications) with the stakeholders across platforms.
We are going to keep it real, and help you keep your communications real. Our advice, suggestions will be practical, realistic, and actionable. We do not want to give you ideas that sound great on paper, but unachievable by your team. We know what growth stage you’re in, and our advice is going to be based on that. Our goal is to demystify communications as a whole, to make it easy for you to work on.